For diverse industries and biopharmaceutical applications, color measurement is critical to ensuring the safety and quality of products. Two color measurement devices that industries may use for these requirements are a spectrophotometer and a Chroma meter. While these devices have some general applications in common, their measurement methods and uses have some key differences.

Which option will work best for your needs? The answer depends on how you’ll be using the device and what results your operations require. Explore how these two devices differ and which option is best for your specific applications.

What Is a Chroma Meter?

Technically classified as a colorimeter, the Chroma meter measures how much of a concentrated wavelength is absorbed through a solution. This device is used in a wide variety of industries, including plastics, automotive interior manufacturing, exterior color control, food, chemicals, coatings and cosmetics. Known for its user-friendly interface, the Chroma meter uses CIE L*a*b* and CIE L*C*h color spaces to precisely identify colors.

A Chroma meter is:

  • Specialized to compare products with predefined samples
  • Able to memorize target colors
  • Able to calculate color differences
  • Optimized for monitoring color quality

This device offers the advantage of working quickly for rapid measurement results. It also tends to be more portable than other measurement options and is highly cost-effective. However, the Chroma meter also has a limited range of data and lacks versatility for research and product development applications.

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What Is a Spectrophotometer?

A spectrophotometer measures the intensity of reflected or transmitted light from objects and solutions. This measurement offers full-spectrum color analysis for exact results beyond what the human eye can perceive, making the spectrophotometer ideal for color system development, color quality control and color formulation in the production process.

The spectrophotometer features these key capabilities:

  • Multiple illuminant and observer combinations
  • Ability to operate in multiple geometric arrangements and measurement angles
  • Advanced specificity for identifying color measurements

With a spectrophotometer, you get increased versatility and full-color spectrum measurement capabilities. This device can provide more detailed information than a Chroma meter and handle applications such as measurement for spectral data.

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Get High-Performance Color Measurement Equipment From HunterLab

Ultimately, whether you need a Chroma meter or a spectrophotometer for your requirements depends on your applications. If you need fast, simple measurement capabilities, a Chroma meter might be your best option. However, if you’re looking for a more versatile solution to provide in-depth measurement results, a spectrophotometer will more effectively meet your needs.

When you need trusted solutions to meet your color measurement and quality standard requirements, HunterLab can help. We offer a wide range of products to meet critical quality control needs across industries. For more information on what we have to offer, reach out to us today.