Spectral range is essential to measuring visible light spectrum wavelengths and giving your organization insight into its forensic test samples. With a spectrophotometer from HunterLab, you can test the spectral range of your forensic samples with unparalleled accuracy and insight.

Spectral range refers to the range of color wavelengths a spectrophotometer can measure. Spectrophotometers measure electromagnetic radiation by dividing it into spectral ranges depending on each color’s wavelength. Spectral wavelengths range from 10 nm hard gamma radiation wavelengths to kilometer long-wave broadcast wavelengths. Every color exists in a wavelength range of 380-780 nm, which are the same wavelengths perceived by the human eye. Spectrophotometers allow humans to perceive the accurate wavelength of color in an objective and reproducible fashion.

The Importance of Spectrophotometry

Spectrophotometry is a form of electromagnetic spectroscopy that takes quantitative measurements of reflective and transmissive properties. The pharmaceutical, food and forensics industries frequently use spectrophotometers to test the color of their samples and products using quantitative wavelength measurements. Using spectrophotometry, you can test the quality of everything from coffee and tomatoes to advanced biopharmaceuticals.

Spectrophotometry is essential in biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, material science and molecular biology.

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How Do Spectrophotometers Measure Spectral Range?

To analyze spectral ranges, spectrophotometers use diffraction grating to produce analytical spectrums which can then be measuring sequentially using a scanning monochromator or simultaneously using an array of detectors A scanning instrument may take 60 to 300 seconds to scan a 400nm range, while a diode array instrument can scan that range in 10 micro-seconds. Spectrophotometers use either a single or double beam to measure the relative light intensity of a beam before and after a sample subject is inserted into the machine

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How Is Spectrophotometry Used in Forensics?

Spectrophotometry is an invaluable nondestructive testing method that can test forensic material, including but not limited to fingerprints, bodily fluids and drugs. Nondestructive testing is crucial for providing reliable results while preserving the integrity of test samples for further forensic examination and potential use in court cases. Portable spectrophotometry is also critical for reliably examining evidence without removing it from the crime scene, which helps examiners preserve the evidence.

Spectrophotometry is powerful enough to compare samples to data within a sample library and distinguish human evidence from animal evidence. In toxicology, examiners use spectrophotometry to evaluate the purity of pharmaceuticals and food and determine whether the substances are safe for consumption. In cases where rare materials are found at the crime scene, spectrophotometers give insight into whether the substances are unique to the site and whether they originated in the location.

Analysts also use spectrophotometry to test material samples like hair, cloth and other materials with specific visible properties. Spectrophotometry analyzes how organic and inorganic materials interact with light and determines the material composition and color visibility in the same test.

Spectrophotometers From HunterLab

HunterLab has been leading the field of spectrophotometry for over half a century. We have the expertise and equipment necessary to give you the most accurate forensic analysis in the industry. Our spectrophotometers allow you to nondestructively test forensic samples to determine their biological attributes, purity, origin and more. Learn more about HunterLab’s solutions to improve your forensic testing by getting in touch with us today.